出雲大社 神門通り甦りの会 第53回軽四朝市を開催♪
53rd  K4 Morning Market at Shinmon Dori

Date: 3.22 (日)Sunday
Time: 9:00~12:00
Place: 神門通りに面した出雲商工会の駐車場
Izuzumo Shokokai Parking Lot (Izumo Commerce and Indsutry Association)

食パン、菓子パン、洋菓子、米粉たこ焼き、干物、しじみ、お野菜、お弁当&お惣菜 等
The market will have bread, pastries, takoyaki with rice flour, dried seaweed&fish product, baby clams, vetables, takeaway lunch box etc.  Come and stop by.

K4Morning Market takes place every 4th Sunday of the month.  (Exception:  3rd Sunday on May&December.)  Annual Schedule will be available soon.

*K4 is a type of vehicle (smaller than 660cc) and you can tell by the color of the number plate.  Do you know which color it is?


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